Welcome to the Truth & Accountability Project
Hold them accountable.
The Truth & Accountability Project was born out of frustration with the constant lies, authoritarian ideology, and hateful messages being disseminated by the Republican party and the majority of their representatives. Trump’s big lie about nonexistent election fraud, the eradication of voting rights, the denial of science, propagation of ineffective Covid-19 cures, misinformation about the vaccine, the failure to condemn white nationalism, the calls for violence, and the giant leap towards authoritarianism the right has taken since Donald Trump was installed as the leader of the Republican party all add up to the biggest threat to our democracy we have encountered as a nation since in over one hundred years.
Out of this threat the Truth & Accountability Project emerged. Fed up with it all a small group of citizens committed themselves to fight back and fight back the right way, through the democratic process by working to remove Republicans committed to Trumpism from office.
Trump may be gone for now but his lackies remain and rather than working towards the advancement of our nation and the needs of the American people they are working only to create division and further the will of Donald Trump. Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Debbie Lesko, Lauren Boebert, Margerie Taylor-Greene, Jim Jordan, Madison Cawthorn, Matt Gaetz, Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz all sit at front of the Trump train and in one way or another have sought to undermine democracy, spread lies and misinformation, call for violence, spread racists and hateful messages, endanger the lives of millions of Americans through the denial of science and facts, and most if not all of these men and women were more than likely involved in an elaborate attempted coup that culminated with the violence of January 6th. Now is the time to fight back, the time to fight for truth, democracy, logic, science, peace, responsible government, and accountability! With your help we can overcome the evils of Trumpism and start to lead our nation in the right direction!