Kari Lake proves she is unfit for the Governor’s office.

Ever since she announced her candidacy for governor of Arizona Kari Lake has done absolutely everything in her power to ensure that she has a firm grasp on the coattails of Donald Trump. Like every sycophant that worships at his alter she has done this for purely selfish reasons. Like Trump himself she has absolutely no political experience and no qualifications whatsoever that would suggest she is capable of running the great state of Arizona, so she must attach herself to him politically in the hopes of gaining the support of his cultish base in hopes that she will also gain their votes.

As she seeks to endear herself to his base, she has of course often repeated his lies and conspiracy theories about the election. We have come to expect this from Trump and all of his Republican cronies who are too weak to stand up to him and too absorbed with self-interest and the pursuit of power to stand up for truth and democracy. However, last month at Trump’s Florence, AZ rally Lake took it a step further than most. Kari Lake called for the imprisonment of Arizona elections officials for certifying the results of a free and fair democratic election. With this charge Lake revealed her true self. She is not a patriot, she is not a champion of democracy, she is another wannabe authoritarian created in the image of her dear leader.

As citizens of the United States of America we have a responsibility to fight for the values that made our country great in the first place, equality, democracy, freedom, and truth. Kari Lake has proven beyond all doubt that she stands for lies, restraint, and authoritarian principles. We must fight to keep her and those like her out of any political office if we want to keep our country the free and democratic nation that it is.


Debbie Lesko says NO to our troops.


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